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John Maxoutopoulis

Three First Steps for Drying out your Home After Water Damage

There are many causes of water damage to homes and buildings, ranging from heavy rains, leaky roofs, broken pipes, failure hot water heaters, sewage back-ups and more.
The cause of the damage must be considered when drying out a home or building. If it is “fresh” water, such as a broken pipe or leaky roof, the drying process is a little simpler than a sewage back-up.
Small water damages that are concentrated to an area, such as under a kitchen sink, can quickly be cleaned up. Large water damages can take days to clean and dry out, often resulting in pesky odors that then must be dealt with. It’s that pesky odor that tells you not all is well, and more work needs to be done.

Remove, Clean, Dry
Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces quickly means less microbial growth, which can lead to potentially dangerous mold. Some people are highly sensitive to mold spores, while others show no physical reaction at all. Don’t take the chance in learning the hard way how you might react to mold. Prevention is best.
To ensure the safety of your family, there are three basic steps:

  1. Remove the water/contamination: This means get the affected areas dry, and quickly.
  2. Clean the area: No matter the water source, a quality disinfectant should be used.
  3. Dry the area: Air movement is important. Directed air on damp areas aids in the evaporation process.

Remember, water damage can be potentially dangerous even after you think surfaces are dry. If it feels dry, it just might be… but it might not. Professional water damage removal pros have meters and devices to determine when surfaces are totally dry. And they have the products and equipment necessary to do the job right — items you can’t buy at your local grocery or hardware store.
Play it safe. Protect your family. Call your restoration pros for any type of water damage to your home.

John Maxoutopoulis

24 Hour Water Removal & Mold Cleanup, Call (208) 344-5511


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